
A good, brief summary of Zimbabwe agriculture, land issues

Jul 9, 2011

The New Agriculturalist website has a good summary of the present state of Zimbabwe's agriculture. The article by Zimbabwean journalist Busani Bufana is well-researched and dense, but also brief and very readable.

Bufana summarises the decline of agriculture since the land reform exercise, the changes it brought to the makeup of the country's farming, and the fledgling signs of improvement in selected sectors like tobacco.

The article is an  ideal resource for people who want an overview of the current state of affairs and the issues without getting bogged down in a lot of detail. The facts and issues are presented in a 'straight,' neutral way bereft of the emotionalism common from western writers writing about 'Mugabe's land grab from the white farmers,' but does not sanitise the controversies or difficulties. 

It is a worthy read.


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